A group of us with all forms of Progressive MS ( progressive relapsing; secondary progressive, primary progressive multiple sclerosis)from all over the world gathered together to form this, our own Progressive MS community in 1998. All of the staff in our forum are volunteers who all have progressive MS or who care for someone with progressive MS.
The reason we formed this community is because we had become disillusioned with the majority of websites who seemed to cater for people with relapsing remitting form of the disease, but little understanding of progressive MS.
We found that most of the "educational material" or "information" on other sites is primarily for people with RRMS. Therefore, here and in our forum all of the current research; information articles; advice and support is exclusively about progressive MS - it is gathered from all over the internet and located in our community - saving you hours of "hunting and pecking" looking for more than the standard one paragraph you will usually find.
Our community as a variety of different folders, including up to date research, medications, symptoms etc. We are also very fortunate to have Dr. Ben Thrower - one of the leading specialists in Multiple Sclerosis of all types and Dr Richard Shields - our resident pharmacist specialist- answer questions from our group. We have social workers and a psychologist consultant as well! We also have some folders just for fun - jokes, poetry etc. We also have our own chatroom with regularly scheduled chats
If you are interested in joining our group, or wish to know more about progressive ms, please use the "email link" to send a note to Lyndy. Please also use the "Internet link" to travel to the forum

|Home| |About Us| |Types of MS| |Progression| |EDSS| |MS & Pain| |Pain/Stress| |Stress Cycle| |Holiday/Stress| |Anger/Stress| |Retirement| |Changes| |Grief| |Automatism| |Fatigue| |Sharing| |Limits| |Death/MS| |Internet Links|

No writings may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author lyndy7@delphiforums.com